What’s the difference between breasts augmentation, breasts lift, and breasts reduction? Which is the best option for you? It all depends on your desired results.
If you want larger breasts, breast augmentation might be more of what you’re looking for. If you’ve had children and find that your breasts are beginning to sag after breastfeeding, a breast lift might be the better option. Or perhaps you’re experiencing terrible shoulder and back pain due to the largeness of your breasts; in this case, a breast reduction is worth looking into.
But these procedures go beyond just those important details—read on to understand exactly what each cosmetic breast surgery procedure can offer you.
Breast Lift at Widder Plastic Surgery
Age, weight gain or loss, and having children can all lead to sagging or drooping breasts. If your breasts are sagging more than you feel comfortable with, a breast lift (also known as a mastopexy) may be the answer you’ve been looking for. Breast lift surgery raises the breast to a more youthful position, removes excess skin, and repositions the nipples. Breasts sagging is divided into three levels. One, two, and three. Three levels determine what kind of lift is required – mini lift (donut), lollipop, or full lift (key hole).
Breast Lift Procedure
In this procedure, Dr. Shlomo Widder will issue some strategic incision in a variety of inconspicuous places to help raise, firm, and reshape your bosom. The size of your breasts and the extend of the sagging will determine exactly where the incisions need to go. Incisions are generally made around the areola (for mini lift), then from the areola down to the breast creas (for lollipop), and then along the crease (for full lift).
Breast lifts are often combined with either breast reduction to decrease their breast size or breast augmentation to increase breast size and maintain roundness.
Breast Augmentation
There are many reasons women choose to pursue breast augmentation (also known as breast implant surgery, breast enhancement, or augmentation mammoplasty). This procedure is perfect if your breasts are smaller than you’d like them to be, smaller after aging or having children, different sizes, or disproportionate to the rest of your body.
Breast Augmentation Procedure
In this procedure, Dr. Widder uses round, smooth, and moderate profile saline breast implants, which he has found to be more beneficial for his patients. There is no risk of malformation of breast shape if round implants move within the breast pocket, and they are very safe to insert.
Breast Reduction
Women who suffer from overly large breasts often complain of back, shoulder, and neck pain. The weight of large breasts can also hinder physical activities, worsen body image issues, and facilitate other problems. Breast reduction aims to reduce breast volume to provide the patient with improved comfort and quality of life.
Breast Reduction Procedure
Similar to a breast lift, incisions for a breast reduction are made around the areola, vertically down from the areola to the breast crease, and horizontally along the breast crease. Excess breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin are then removed to reduce the size of the breast and create a more natural shape and size.
Schedule Your Consultation at Widder Plastic Surgery in Northern Virginia
Ready to learn more about which breast surgery is right for you? It’s essential to keep in mind that the results of a well-planned breast lift surgery and recovery will last you years. Make sure that you partner with a plastic surgeon with years of experience, education, and who has the right intentions for you in mind.
Dr. Shlomo Widder is an industry-leading board-certified plastic surgeon with thousands of breast surgeries under his belt. If you are ready to partner with one of Virginia’s best breast surgeons, schedule your consultation with him today to learn more about these procedures.