Tummy Tuck
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Vienna, Fairfax, McLean and Northern, VA

Countless men and women worldwide wake up every day with the motivation and drive to conquer that last bit of excess fat and skin stemming from pregnancy, heredity, weight gain, or other similar conditions. Unfortunately, all that dieting and exercise on the road to a more defined midsection often leads to a dead-end before the destination is reached. If this journey sounds familiar to you, you are not alone. Many factors are likely outside of your control, making achieving or reclaiming a sexy midsection seem impossible.
A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a versatile plastic surgery procedure designed to treat this quite common source of insecurity. In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, tummy tucks are regularly in the top five most commonly performed plastic surgery procedures each year. Dr. Shlomo Widder is a board-certified plastic surgeon and tummy tuck expert who has changed many lives through his superb tummy tuck results and dedication to patient safety and care.
If you would like to learn more about tummy tucks in Vienna, Northern Virginia, and Washington D.C., request a free consultation with Dr. Widder today!
- 1 Before and After Photos
- 2 What Is a Tummy Tuck?
- 3 Candidate
- 4 Benefits
- 5 How Does Dr. Widder Perform a Drainless Tummy Tuck?
- 6 What Can I Expect
- 7 What Is a Tummy Tuck Revision?
- 8 Consultation
- 9 FAQ
- 9.1 Why is Dr. Widder a great choice as my Tummy Tuck Surgeon?
- 9.2 How do I choose a Tummy tuck surgeon?
- 9.3 How long does it take to plan a tummy tuck procedure?
- 9.4 How long does the tummy tuck procedure take?
- 9.5 What should I expect the day of my tummy tuck procedure?
- 9.6 Will I have drains after the surgery? How long will they stay?
- 9.7 Do you always repair the muscle?
- 9.8 Will my “abs” show?
- 9.9 Will This Operation Help Me lose Weight?
- 9.10 Will Sutures Need to be Removed After Surgery?
- 9.11 What are 3 things to look for in a great tummy tuck result?
- 9.12 What is Post-Treatment Abdominal Swelling Like?
- 9.13 Can I get pregnant after a tummy tuck?
- 9.14 How Long Does Recovery Take?
- 9.15 What are the most common tummy tuck complications?
- 9.16 Can I have a full body sculpting at the same time?
- 9.17 How Long Before I Can Exercise? When can I pick up my baby or toddler after a tummy tuck?
- 9.18 My Abdomen Feels Tight After Surgery. Will I Hurt Something If I Move?
- 9.19 Can I Become Pregnant After an Abdominoplasty? What Happens If I do?
- 9.20 Is a tummy tuck painful?
- 9.21 Will you use my own belly button? How do you recreate the belly button?
- 9.22 How much does a tummy tuck cost?
Before and After Photos
What Is a Tummy Tuck?
Abdominoplasty has a long history of efficacy and safety backed by mountains of medical research. The tummy tuck procedure works well for men and women and is used to redesign the contours and tighten the skin and abdominal muscles around a person’s midsection. There are different approaches to the procedure, including the full tummy tuck, mini tummy tuck, and extended tummy tuck.
During a tummy tuck procedure, excess fat and skin cells are removed from the abdomen surgically. Before this important step, the abdominal muscle fascia, or connective tissue layer that covers the muscles, is tightened helping to create a more toned look. Loose, hanging skin that has been distorted by weight changes or childbirth, in the form of stretch marks, are removed completely or almost completely. Liposuction may or may not be part of a tummy tuck procedure. However, Dr. Widder does not combine the two procedures due to significant increased risk of severe complications, including death, as opposed to abdominoplasty alone.
A tummy tuck may be a standalone procedure, or it may be part of a larger targeted body rejuvenation treatment plan. Many men opt for a tummy tuck in conjunction with male breast reduction surgery, also known as gynecomastia surgery. Many women choose to include a tummy tuck as part of their staged mommy makeover treatment plan.
If you are interested in having a tummy tuck, we will screen you during the consultation to make sure you are a great candidate for the procedure. First, we will help you understand what is possible and discuss all your expectations. Know that a tummy tuck is not a substitute for healthy weight loss or a healthy lifestyle.
Any adult who is unhappy with the appearance of their midsection when they stand in front of the mirror and meets these conditions is likely a good candidate for a tummy tuck.
Next, we’ll want to make sure you’re:
- In good health overall
- A non-smoker or planning to quit before your surgery
- BMI of 35 or less
- Not taking any medications that could affect the surgery or recovery
The most obvious benefit of a tummy tuck is a new or regained sense of self-confidence and sense of femininity or masculinity. The way you feel about the way you look on the outside has a profound effect on how you see yourself on the inside. Being comfortable and confident in your own skin can be a lifechanging experience that can lead to better relationships, work prospects, and more opportunities.
In addition to being a powerful confidence booster, a tummy tuck can also have several significant physical health benefits, including:
Better posture
Ever heard the phrase, “all movement originates in your core?” A tummy tuck can help rebuild and strengthen the foundation of abdominal muscles, leading to better posture, reduced chronic back pain, and even better sleep.
Weight Loss
You may lose weight due to the abdominal muscles tightening, reducing the amount of food that you can eat and sense of hunger.
Kickstart a healthier lifestyle
Many patients who have a tummy tuck use the transformative experience to begin a much healthier lifestyle. To maintain the results from a tummy tuck, you will want to stay within a healthy BMI anyway, so you might as well use it to improve your health in other areas as well.
These are just a few of the physical and mental health benefits of having a tummy tuck. To put it very simply, the procedure can be a wonderful foundation for looking and feeling your best!
How Does Dr. Widder Perform a Drainless Tummy Tuck?
Widder Plastic Surgery is a patient-centered practice, and this will be apparent from the minute you start your consultation with Dr. Shlomo Widder. Dr. Widder helps educate patients during each clinical consultation before digging in and finding out their unique, “why”—the core reason that they are choosing to have a tummy tuck surgery.
On the day of surgery, you will be given general anesthesia. This will help keep you safe and comfortable while Dr. Widder performs the tummy tuck. When the anesthesia does its job, Dr. Widder will make incisions at the skin crease, just above the pubic bone and work on removing excess skin and repairing abdominal muscle damage.
Another incision will be made around the belly button. After tightening the muscles with permanent sutures, the skin is pulled down and tightened, quilting sutures are attaching the skin flap to the muscle, to avoid fluid build up after surgery which saves the use of the dreaded drain. Excess skin is removed before the incisions are closed using self-absorbing sutures. You will then be taken back to a recovery room where you will be safely monitored until you wake up.
What Can I Expect
Recovery is a bit different for everyone, but plan to have help with most tasks for the first 2-3 days after surgery. You will gradually be able to move around and resume some normal activities, but you will probably have to avoid any strenuous activities or exercise for at least six weeks. Most patients return to light duty work after 1 week. We will monitor your progress regularly to ensure a healthy and effective recovery. Your safety and comfort are always our top priorities.
What Is a Tummy Tuck Revision?
A poorly performed initial tummy tuck, unforeseen weight changes, and surprise babies are all reasons people choose to have a tummy tuck revision. A tummy tuck revision can improve the appearance and location of scars, reconfigure the belly button’s size or shape, and enhance the overall harmony of the bellybutton with other features and contours of the abdomen.
If you are ready to learn more about the exciting ways to address your midsection concerns, do yourself a favor and talk with a skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon. At Widder Plastic Surgery, Dr. Shlomo Widder and his team of tummy tuck experts build each treatment plan around each unique individual. Whether it is your first tummy tuck or a tummy tuck revision surgery, place your trust in the hands of one of the Washington D.C. area’s best and most renowned tummy tuck surgeons. See what our patients have to say about their experience with Widder Plastic Surgery on our reviews page. Get in touch with us today to learn more information or to schedule your Northern Virginia tummy tuck consultation with Dr. Widder.
To schedule your consultation for a tummy tuck in the Northern Virginia, Washington D.C., and Maryland areas, please call Widder Plastic Surgery at (703) 506-0300. You can also contact us by sending a message through our website whenever it is convenient for you.
Why is Dr. Widder a great choice as my Tummy Tuck Surgeon?
I am a board-certified plastic surgeon and have been in practice for over 33 years. I have performed tummy tuck surgery on well over 1000 patients. I use the drainless technique which my patients love. I try very hard to live up to my practice principles – Quality is our niche, Beauty is our strength and Safety is our priority.
How do I choose a Tummy tuck surgeon?
For your safety, make sure that he or she are experienced board-certified plastic surgeons who operate in accredited surgery center. Most importantly, check the before and after pictures in the photo gallery, to make sure that they are numerous, consistent and attractive with flat stomach, show a nice belly button, narrower waists, improved body posture and low scar that can be hidden by your underwear or bikini swim suit. Check the reviews and ascertain that they are reflecting good experience with the surgeon and that they are 5 stars.
How long does it take to plan a tummy tuck procedure?
I have been in practice for over 33 years and performed tummy tuck surgery on well over 1000 patients, so it does not take make any time to plan the surgery , I just know what needs to be done and do it.
How long does the tummy tuck procedure take?
Tummy tuck surgery duration depends on patient’s size and additional related procedures like hernia or scar revision. Duration of surgery can vary from 4- 6 hours. When I examine you I will be able to assess the correct time required for your surgery.
What should I expect the day of my tummy tuck procedure?
You will meet JoJo who will take your vital signs. Dr Widder will take your before pictures, mark you for surgery and start your intravenous fluid. Our nurse and anesthesia provider will meet with you, asking you if you have any questions and take you to the operating room. You will be put to sleep by Tod and Dr. Widder will perform the surgery. After waking up from surgery, you will be transferred to the recovery room for monitoring by JoJo and staff. After about an hour you will be discharged and taken home by family or friend.
Will I have drains after the surgery? How long will they stay?
My tummy tuck surgery is called “drainless tummy tuck”, which means that I do not use drain. Rather, I use the quilting sutures technique that attaches the skin flap to the muscles, avoiding buildup of fluid under the skin. In case of redo tummy tuck or tummy tuck after liposuction of the abdomen, I use sometimes drain, because of excessive fluid production. The drain stays for 5-7 days, or until the drainage is less than 30 cc in 24 hours.
Do you always repair the muscle?
I have performed tummy tuck surgery well over 1000 patients and all of them underwent muscles tightening.
Will my “abs” show?
You will have a flat stomach, but the abs will not show, because I tighten the muscles aggressively in order to give you totally flat abdomen and narrower waists. That maneuver converts the rectus muscles from horizontal position to vertical position, which prevent the “abs” from showing up.
Will This Operation Help Me lose Weight?
Most of my tummy tuck patients lose significant weight after surgery, because of my aggressive muscles tightening that reduces the amount of food that you can eat and your sense of hunger.
Will Sutures Need to be Removed After Surgery?
All sutures are under the skin and do not require removal.
What are 3 things to look for in a great tummy tuck result?
Always look at the before and after pictures in the photo gallery to make sure that they are numerous, consistent and attractive with flat stomach, nice belly button, narrower waists, improved body posture and the scar is low.
What is Post-Treatment Abdominal Swelling Like?
Like after any surgery, there is swelling, however it is not excessive in most patients. My patients wear an abdominal Velcro binder for 3-6 months that protects the muscles repair and reduces the skin swelling.
Can I get pregnant after a tummy tuck?
I have few patients who got pregnant after tummy tuck surgery and delivered healthy babies. Most of them did not require revision of tummy tuck.
How Long Does Recovery Take?
It varies between patients. Some return to light duty work after 3-4 day and some require 2-3 weeks. The majority go back to work after 1 week. Strenuous activity like sex, gym or heavy lifting is permitted after 6-8 weeks.
What are the most common tummy tuck complications?
The most common complication is wound healing problem, especially among smokers and diabetics.
Can I have a full body sculpting at the same time?
I do not recommend combining tummy tuck with liposuction due to the significant increase in severe complications, including death, in comparison to tummy tuck alone. For example, in Florida, it is illegal to do tummy tuck with liposuction over 1000 cc (small amount). This came about after investigation of multiple deaths (35) that occurred in surgery center and the conclusion of the investigators was that the combined procedures were responsible for it.
In recent article in the Plastic Surgery Journal, data from cosmetic surgery insurance company, revealed that combining tummy tuck with liposuction increase the severe complications 10 times in comparison to tummy tuck alone.
How Long Before I Can Exercise? When can I pick up my baby or toddler after a tummy tuck?
6-8 weeks
My Abdomen Feels Tight After Surgery. Will I Hurt Something If I Move?
No, just do your movements slowly. It is encouraged that you do some movement to avoid blood clots.
Can I Become Pregnant After an Abdominoplasty? What Happens If I do?
Few of my patients got pregnant after abdominoplasty and delivered healthy babies. Only one required tummy tuck revision.
Is a tummy tuck painful?
Pain tolerance varies from patient to patient. I inject the surgical area with long acting anesthetic, so when you leave the surgery center, pain is nonexistent, or is very minimal. When you get home, we prescribe strongest oral narcotic, and this will control the pain very well. You can also add Tylenol Extra Strength (500 mg) and the combination is very efficient for controlling the pain. After 2-3 days the pain disappears and all you need for pain is Tylenol.
Your belly button will stay where it is. I separate it from the skin, pull the skin down and make a new hole for the belly button. When the muscle are tightened, the belly button is pulled down, getting a shape of a goblet.
How much does a tummy tuck cost?
The cost of your tummy tuck will depend on the extent of your condition, the skill of your surgeon, your surgical plan, and more. We will provide you with an estimate after you have been evaluated by Dr. Widder in your consultation.