How Long Does It Typically Take To Recover From a Butt Augmentation?

Every major surgery has a recovery period. During recovery, patients typically get plenty of rest and relaxation to ensure their body heals to the best of its abilities. A butt augmentation with implants is no exception, here is what patients should expect for their butt implant recovery experience. With a healthy recovery and careful observation of all post-surgical instructions, patients can look forward to enjoying their results within just a few weeks of surgery.

The Butt Augmentation was developed to help men and women gain self-confidence by providing more attractive-looking buttocks. With over 30 years of experience, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Shlomo Widder has earned his reputation of being an established, talented, and respected plastic surgeon in the Northern Virginia and Washington D.C. area.

Recovery Timeline

The entire recovery process takes about six weeks. You should plan to take at least two weeks off from work and rest at home as much as possible.

2-3 Days after Surgery: Moderate pain and tenderness in the area is common and can be effectively managed through pain medication provided by your doctor. You should refrain from sleeping on your back and lean forward while sitting until you’re cleared to do so by Dr. Widder.

2 Week after Surgery: At this point the pain will be much less, swelling of the area may continue to be present, but you may be cleared to go to work as long as your job is not too physically demanding. 

3-4 weeks: After three to four weeks, most of the bruising and swelling in the area will have subsided. The implants may continue to feel firm and tight. At this point, most patients are cleared to perform light to moderate exercise.

5-6 Weeks: Most patients can expect bruising and swelling to be mostly resolved, revealing the final results of the procedure. Dr. Widder will carefully assess your recovery to determine if you’re clear to resume all forms of activity, including strenuous exercise.

Why Choose Dr. Widder for Your Butt Augmentations with Implants?

At Widder Plastic Surgery, your butt augmentation with implants is a highly customizable procedure and should be shaped by a plastic surgeon and surgical team of experts who listen to your individual goals and work alongside you to achieve the results that fit in harmony with the rest of your features. 

Your safety, satisfaction, and comfort are Dr. Widder’s top priorities. Dr. Widder and team of highly trained surgeons will come beside you to create the perfect treatment option for your goals, whether that involves a butt augmentation alone or the involvement of several procedures such as a tummy tuck or breast life. Dr. Widder will space out your procedures strategically to allow your body to heal to its maximum potential. 

For more information on butt augmentation with implants at Widder Plastic Surgery, please reach out and contact us online or by phone (703) 506-0300 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Shlomo Widder.

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