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Full Tummy Tuck

Q: I’m scheduled to have a hybrid tummy tuck (short-scar/mini, floating umbilicus tummy tuck with flank liposuction) in 10 days. I’m starting to get nervous that my surgeon hasn’t chosen the right operation for me. Should I be getting a full tummy tuck? I’m 5’7?, extremely athletic with minimal body fat, and 120 pounds. I’ve had four pregnancies, but have gained very little weight in each one. I don’t seem to have much skin laxity, though there’s some when I bend over and suck in my abdominal muscles.

Thanks for posting your pictures. In my previous response to your question, I suggested that you consult with other experienced board-certified plastic surgeons. Now that you posted your pictures and detailed your surgical plan, I can tell you that it will be in your best interest to consult with other surgeons.

I have been in practice for over 30 years and performed tummy tuck surgeries on well over 1,000 patients.  From observing your pictures, I can tell you that you have a good reason to be nervous about your surgeon’s plan for you.  You should seek better options.

There is only one procedure that will give you the flat stomach, tight and youthful looking skin, nice belly button, and nice posture. That procedure is full tummy tuck—and anything less will be a regrettable compromise that will make you unhappy, and eventually require a full tummy tuck, thus doubling cost and recovery time. If you will have the floating belly button procedure, your belly button will have to be reconstructed in order to make it look natural and attractive.

So, consult with experienced board-certified plastic surgeons who operate in an accredited surgery center for your safety. Most importantly, check the “before & after” pictures in the photo gallery; make sure that they are numerous, consistent, and attractive, with the above-mentioned features and low scarring.