Whether you desire a more sculpted midsection or want to remove some excess skin after giving birth or losing weight, a tummy tuck is a great partner to go along with your regular diet and exercise. It is also often considered the first big step in kickstarting a healthier, more fitness-centered lifestyle. And while a firm, toned core is attractive, it also has some surprising health benefits.
Please note that every patient’s recovery journey will be different, so there are approximate recovery time estimates. Consult with your surgeon before adding any physical activity to ensure you aren’t doing your body any harm.
As long as you’re safe about the intensity and pacing of your exercises, we recommend some of the following activities to aid in your healing and muscle repair.
Stick to Walking
In the first few days following your procedure, your goal should be limited to sitting up unassisted and then gradually working your way to stand. When you feel able, start taking short walks around the house, then maybe the block, and when you’re confident, start going around the neighborhood.
Your core is responsible for most of your body’s mechanical movements, which means that you’re going to want to take it easy immediately after your surgery. Walking is a great, low-intensity workout that lightly engages your midsection, improves blood flow, raises your heart rate, and requires no specialized equipment. It’s also incredibly inconvenient. Almost anyone can take a leisurely stroll around their neighborhood.
After about six weeks of recovery, you can start thinking about some light strength training and more intense aerobics. You’ll want to avoid strenuous weightlifting or ab-focused workouts because you shouldn’t be placing too much strain on your core just yet. One of the best recovery training environments you can add to your post-surgery workout list is the pool.
Working in the water provides moderate resistance without straining your muscles too much, making exercises like water aerobics and even light swimming ideal ways to regain muscles after a tummy tuck. Slowly swimming around the pool, doing a short aerobics routine, or even walking around the perimeter is a great way to get your blood flowing, increase your heart rate, and lightly challenge your abdominal muscles.
Incorporate Planks After Two or Three Months
You’ll want to get the “all clear” from your doctor before you start incorporating any high impact activities using your abs. When your doctor has confirmed that you are ready, one of the best exercises you can bring to your routine is planks.
Planks specifically target the rectus abdominis and external and internal obliques, the three muscle groups that give the core that sleek shape. You can do them with no equipment or use things like chairs, couches, or exercise balls to provide yourself with an incline and work on stability. As you near the end of your recovery, planks can help tighten your core muscles and accentuate your tummy tuck results.
With over 20 years of experience in the plastic surgery field, Dr. Shlomo Widder has performed countless successful tummy tuck procedures. His many patients trust him because of his genuine care, aesthetic eye, years of experience, and beautiful, natural results. Learn More
If you are ready to experience the life-changing benefits of a tummy tuck by Dr. Widder, contact Widder Plastic Surgery for your abdominoplasty consultation today!