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Abdomen Skin Tightening

Q: Will skin tightening treatments work, or do I need a mini tummy tuck? I had smartlipo in May 2016 to my flanks. However, my lower abdomen seems to have excess skin and no longer feels tight, as I can literally pull it away from my body. I am 5′ tall and weigh 105 pounds. I have never been pregnant. Would something like thermitight help? Or would I require a mini tummy tuck?

Thanks for posting your pictures, though side view pictures would have been helpful.

From observing your pictures, you are a great candidate for liposuction with PAL (Power Assisted Liposuction) . This procedure, when performed correctly and aggressively from multiple directions, brings significant skin tightening.

So, as long as you do not have abdominal muscles laxity (best seen on side view), you do not need a mini tummy tuck, but rather liposuction. However, you have to realize that not all results are the same, because experience, skills, and aesthetic eye are critical for a good outcome. Do your due diligence carefully, and choose your surgeon wisely.

Always consult with experienced, board-certified plastic surgeons who operate in accredited surgery center for your safety. Most importantly, check the before and after pictures in the photo gallery to make sure that they are numerous, consistent, and attractive, with flat stomachs, nice hips- and waist-silhouettes, and smooth skin.